The Peace of God

As I get older, I cherish these moments more and more. Moments spent at home, quietly watching my baby sleep. Walking through the hallway of our house, listening to the sweet melody coming from my eldest daughter's piano. Peeping through the blinds to see my husband laboring diligently on the homestead.

No hard earned money is being spent, no tears are being cried as we drag our babes about the town. No time restraints or traffic delays. Just intentional time spent amongst loved ones, making dear memories in the home we've built out of tender loving care.

It is in these moments that I feel God's presence, and see all of His glorious splendor. He reveals Hisself through the peace He brings into our home, into these cherished moments that soon become memories. What a dear sweet feeling it is to know Christ is among us.

Cherish the simplicity of time spent in the home, you'll likely make memories that will last a lifetime.

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:7‬


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