The Glory Go Be Revealed
We were just a little excited for our first Sunday back at church in a month! (Sissy went too, she’s just too busy for a pic with Mom these days!)
COVID hit our church hard, and honestly, it took me by surprise, not because I think we as Christians are exempt from sickness or hardship, but because I just assumed that if we were bold enough to continue meeting, that we would automatically have God’s protection.
He popped my bubble to say the least. But most importantly, he taught me a valuable lesson.
I think in seemingly peaceful seasons, when we aren’t constantly crying out for help, it’s easy to not only become complacent, but to take God for granted.
We just assume He’s going to be there when we need Him, as if it’s our “payment” for serving Him. As if we “deserve” exemption just for being a Christian.
The truth is, Christians aren’t excused from the realities that befall everyone else, and though being a child of God certainly accompanies great reward, we should walk humbly with God serving Him with reverence and godly fear. Not with the expectation of reward or the outcome you foresee, yet still in complete faith trusting the perfect will of God.
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18